சனி, 20 ஏப்ரல், 2019

#109 Question : Calvanism or Predestined? John 15:16

#109 Do the following passages suggest calvanism or predestined in bible. John 15:16

Question : 1
"You did not choose Me, but I chose you, and appointed you, that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain..."

Question : 2
John 6:44,65 - "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day

Answer :
Though, the entire chapter John 15 appears common and looks applicable to all readers - this was not told to all.

But, to the Apostles. Yes, Christ selected, Chose & called them one by one !!
Calvanism is Lutheran theory.

God knows everyone before we are formed in the womb (Jer 1:5)

leading & Succeeding own life Holy
losing the Holy life is upto everyone.

Judas & Peter are the pretty simple example.

God did not want us to follow HIM like a doll or Toy.

But wanted us to love HIM
whole heartedly, with complete Soul, with complete strength, with all strength, with all conscious !! (Lk 10:27)  that is why the fruit of good & bad was kept as a choice at Eden garden - Else, God would have not even created it !!

thanks & regards
Eddy Joel
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