சனி, 14 ஜனவரி, 2023

*No Pongal for Christians*

*No Pongal for Christians*

-Eddy Joel Silsbee


Greetings to you by the name of our LORD, who hath made the heavens and the earth,  including plants and cattle, by His very word.


The tumultuous festival of Saturnalia, drags many in this world from the Scriptures, Godliness and Truth in the name of Christmas these days; likewise,


Hindu Farmers, who harvest by the end of winter, in their tradition, they celebrate and festive, for giving thanks to Sun, Crops and Animals etc in the name of *Pongal* has in the recent ages being called as a common Festival for Tamils. 2 Jn.1: 11


*History of Pongal*:

A festival of thanksgiving to the sun and other living beings, considered by Hindus to be the natural deity.


January is the season of harvesting and reaping the harvest of the crops sown in the month between June 21 to July 22 (According to Tamil Calendar, its called as the month of Aadi)


The rice of the harvested paddy is boiled in a new pot with sugar, milk and ghee in a new pot and made into Pongal for Sun and Cow.


In areas where water is scarce, one yield will take place due to rainwater harvesting and in areas where water is sufficient, three yields will grow.


Therefore, the monthly harvest of Markazhi (idol) or Tai (Suravai) occurs all over the country.


Fresh rice, sugarcane, turmeric, sweet potato, flag vegetables especially beans, lentils, eggplant, banana, sugar beet, sweet potatos, mercy tuber etc.


They also traditionally cook Red raw paddyrice with with lentil soup and eat, often with bran.


The word pongu means boiling, overflowing, cooking, thriving. Overflowing while cooking is called as PONGAL.


Christians has the responsibility to train everyone to worship the Creator instead of the created like sun, fruits and the animals. Rom. 1:25


…. and changed the glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. Rom. 1:23


Servants who lift up the Bible and preach joins hands and being harmony with such  crowd, to partake and greet their livelihood also part of such idolatory .. 2 John 1:11


Verses of 2 Timothy 3: 1-5 skins them clearly.


Lead Christians not to follow to such Scriptureless activities.. Eph. 5:11


God, the Creator of all things, is our helper.


*Eddy Joel Silsbee*


Church of Christ - Kaniyakulam




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