திங்கள், 9 மே, 2022

Let us not use Advertising techniques in Prayer


*Let us not use Advertising techniques in Prayer*

-Eddy Joel Silsbee


Greetings to you in the name our Lord Jesus Christ, who advocates for us to our Father in Heaven.


Even if only one request is given for prayer, we see people decorate their prayer with many verses, poetic words, linking with various supporting incidents with all sweat and close with "Amen, Amen, Amen" etc.


When they have finished praying, the fear comes to those who pray quietly and patiently that alas we do not know how to pray like this !!


The disciple's attempt is to surpass the teacher !! (Matt. 10:24)


But, The scriptures' reference to prayer is completely different ...


A brief, short, simple Prayer is very much enough !! (Ecc. 5:2)


Alleluah, Alleluah, Alleluah, Alleluah, Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord - like sort of such and uttering the same words repeatedly is a vain prayer !!! That sort of prayer is ignored. (Mt. 6:7)


We need to be wary of modern-day Reverends and Pastors who are subjugating housewives and overthrowing families as one-hour prayer, 24-hour prayer etc. Mark 12:40


Severe punishment is awaiting for them too. Matt 23:14, Luke 20:47


Neither in a decorated stage,

nor with publicity,

nor with prior announcement,

nor with an advertisement,

nor prior information obtainied from paster,

nor someone else fixed up your time to pray;

such was NEVER seen in scripture !!!


“when you pray, go into your room, lock your door, and pray to your Father in secret; *Then your Father in the open field will reward you publicly*". Matt. 6: 6.


DO NOT GET RUINED with the modern methods !!


Prayer has been *simple enough* for even a captive child could understand. 2Kings 5: 2-3


Let us humbly pray to God in humility, zeal, encouragement, and faith.


God is always awake (Ps. 121: 4). There is no need to wake Him up by clapping hands loudly while praying as the idolater does (1Kings 18:27).


"Do I have to tell you” that the reputation of True Christians in society is spoiled because of this crowd ?? ....


He is alive. He hears our humble prayers and answers them for sure.


We live in a time of great destruction. We are to pray fervently for everyone.

Not for publicity but let us truly shed tears and beseech our Father with all our heart. Definitely HE will answer.


*Eddy Joel Silsbee*

Preacher - Kaniyakulam Church of Christ,

Whatsapp : +91 8144 77 6229

Email:  joelsilsbee@gmail.com


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