சனி, 9 அக்டோபர், 2021

Useless World Class


*Useless world class*

By Eddy Joel Silsbee


Greetings in the name of the Savior Jesus Christ.


Jesus came to this world as “Christ”, leaving the prosperity of heaven and the supremacy of being the Son of God, emptying himself and taking on the poverty of the poor. Philippians 2: 6-7, John 1:14


The Pharisees and scribes did not accept that how such a poor man could be the Savior. Joh 7:41


Their mind refused to accept Him thinking “how He could come from a slum like Nazareth”. Joh 1:46


Many times we think like this.


The Lord never asks or expects you for money, prosperity, richness, wealth, education, language, dress, or culture. Nor do they gain a front row or a separate special blessing. Isaiah 58: 2-3, Rom 3:22, 10: 12-13


The plan to be at superiority will keep us with the world. Matt 6:21


All He needs is a humble heart. Psalm 138: 6


Let our thoughts be Not on the things of the earth, but the things of the heavens (Colossians 3: 1)


Let our love be expressed to everyone without showing any difference. Joh 15:17


*Eddy Joel Silsbee*

Preacher - Kaniyakulam Church of Christ,

Whatsapp : +91 8144 77 6229

Email:  joelsilsbee@gmail.com


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