ஞாயிறு, 17 அக்டோபர், 2021

Integrity is essential to earn benefit


*Integrity is essential to earn benefit*

By Eddy Joel Silsbee


Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who never changes His word.


Scripture tells us to always speak the truth with others. Ephesians 4:25, Zechariah 8:16


Either hiding or *not revealing the Truth* is the distraction to emphasize own false policy, is a liar. Proverbs 12:17


We see the people of Cretans still prevail in our midst have multiplied in many guises .., who take advantage of the poverty, disease, hardship, and disability of others for their own gain, Titus 1:12


Jesus told everyone to hate themselves and carry their own cross (such as own Torment / humiliation) if anyone wants to follow Him ... but, instead to obey, they make a symbol like the cross in gold, silver, leaf, wood or in stone and sell it for their own profit !! Matt 10:38, Matt 16:24,


It is necessary for a shepherd to walk before his sheep so they graze the green pastures… but not to use them like milking cows and goats.1 Peter 5: 2-3


God will withhold nothing good from those who walk in integrity.. Psalm 84:11


*Eddy Joel Silsbee*

Preacher - Kaniyakulam Church of Christ,

Whatsapp : +91 8144 77 6229

Email:  joelsilsbee@gmail.com


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