திங்கள், 18 அக்டோபர், 2021

Cleanliness is not Holiness




*Cleanliness is not Holiness*

By Eddy Joel Silsbee


May God our Father, who is Holy, Holy and Holy, make all things good for us.


The word Holy refers to Dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred. exalted, divine, Absolutely pure and it only belongs to God., The Creator of all things. 1 Peter 1:16


This word - does not apply to any incense, ritual or epic.


Man can bathe in as much water as he can and clean himself by using any detergent to clean his dirt. That is maximum called as Cleaned !! It will not be called as Holy !!


God is the only One who can create, mould and shape us. Bible describes about Him that “The simple can be lifted out of the trash and made to sit with the kings, and the small can be exalted and placed in government”. Psalm 113: 7


There is no need to wander around looking for a shrine or man-made holy places to supplicate your requirement be fulfilled. Because man can neither contain God nor he make Him to sit in one place so he can go there and see Him !! God neither stays there !! Acts 17:24, 7:48, 1 Chr 8:27


The scripture says that the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain Him…. 2 Chronicles 2: 6, 6:18


He dwells in the heart of the saved. Joh 14:23


He comes in the middle when two or more gather to worship Him. Matt 18:20


Will your wandering around shrines in seeking forgiveness for your sins guaranteed?


When we truly take up the application from the heart, wherever we are or even as few as possible - God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, will hear our simple, humble, true request and respond for our benefit. Luke 18: 7, Jer 33: 3, Ps 145: 18


He is The Almighty God.

All power is in His hands.

He is the one who made us.


Job 4:11, Job 9: 9, Ps 94: 9, 96: 5, 146: 6


Let us truly depend on Him.

He will change everything for our good.


*Eddy Joel Silsbee*

Preacher - Kaniyakulam Church of Christ,

Whatsapp : +91 8144 77 6229

Email:  joelsilsbee@gmail.com


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