திங்கள், 11 அக்டோபர், 2021

Be Ready


*Be Ready*

By Eddy Joel Silsbee


May the unity of God the Father and Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit be multiplied in us.


Christians or non-Christians - we are all definitely going to see the Second Coming of Christ. 1Cor. 15:22


In case if we pass on this earth before the coming of Christ *still we will surely see him when He returns* 1Thess. 4:16, 1Cor. 15: 51-52, Rev. 1: 7, Mt. 24:30, 2Cor. 5:10



Do not be deceived into believing that He will secretly gather only those He knows and form a government alone, or that we will all live as ministers or war veterans for a thousand years without a single trouble.


This world will be destroyed when Jesus Christ comes. 2Peter 3:10


He will bring everyone to justice. Exo. 20:13, Eph. 9:27


We who obey His command go to heaven; All who disobey will sure miss this. 2Thes. 1:7


If He had been trying to be king over the earth, His disciples would have fought back so that Christ would not be crucified. John 18:36


Is One moment is not enough to completely destroy the Roman Empire ??

There would have been no need for an angel to come down even !! Gen. 19:24


We are to obey only the command of Christ.


Let us dispel fantasies and listen only to the scriptures in practice.


Let's get ready for His arrival !!


If we had been baptized for *remission of sins* and remained in the truth, we would be ready whenever He comes !!


Therefore, dear ones, we who are waiting for these things to come, be careful that we may appear before Him in peace, blameless and without blemish. The Lord will come soon. 2Peter 3: 12-14


Those who are not baptized for the *forgiveness of sins*, get it fulfilled without delay !!


May God join us all in Heaven !!


*Eddy Joel Silsbee*

Preacher - Kaniyakulam Church of Christ,

Whatsapp : +91 8144 77 6229

Email:  joelsilsbee@gmail.com


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