புதன், 28 அக்டோபர், 2020

Daily Dose, 28 Oct 2020

*Daily Dose*
-Eddy Joel Silsbee

May our God Almighty bless us.

If we say,
we must humble ourselves;    
be examined;
and to request God to make us realize and purify ourselves, at His presence… what is His presence?

Does not the Scripture Says, He dwells in us ? 2 Timothy 1:14

Such as to live own likely life at one side and a spiritual life at another side, Christianity does not allow one to live with Two pattern of life.

When we hear the gospel of Christ, believe, repent, and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins, God forgives us the sins we have committed up to that time. Acts 2: 36-38, 22:16

We cannot *wash away our sins* by ourselves !!

To get saved from a sinful life;
Either by confessing one's sins to one who calls himself a saint,
or by climbing numerous mountains,
or walking many miles to shrines,
or by Shaving hair, mustache, beard,
or despite pouring billions of silver and gold to anywhere,
or by any any self-effort,
We can't buy even half a square foot land in heaven.

On the contrary, realizing the sinful life, knowing God who created us and obeying His Word and doing His work, He Himself gives it free. Matt 28: 18-20, James 1:12

No matter how much you preach,
many are Reluctant to accept the truth,
*With a view to how to blame others,
always they clinging to self-principle*.
Sticking in groups that are not in their policy, they focus on wasting their own lives, along with committing crimes.

No one will come to the rescue when life (breathing) leaves the body, unless the truth is realized and repented !!

Not to those who are saved and baptized,
But, Those who are baptized and saved - If you have done harm to others knowingly, we should go directly ahead and reconcile with them !! [Matthew 5:24]

Or, the other, blamed us, still it is we to go first and be reconciled.. Whether they accept or not, our mental burden will be reduced !! [Matthew 18:15]

We worship the God of Holiness !!

*Eddy Joel Silsbee*

Preacher – Kaniyakulam Church of Christ
Teacher - World Bible School
+91 8144 77 6229 / joelsilsbee@gmail.com

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