வெள்ளி, 16 அக்டோபர், 2020

Daily Dose 16 Oct 2020 (English)

Daily Dose

-Eddy Joel Silsbee

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Whoever accepts Jesus Christ as their savior, first shall require to :

1-Hear the gospel (Rom 10:13, John 6:44-45)
2-Then to believe (John 8:24, Heb 11:6)
3-Then to repent (Acts 2:38m 17:30)
4-Then, not the sin but to confess his faith (Acts 8:37, Rom 10:9-10)
5-Then, must be baptized *for the remission of sins*, not for conversion, or for the church, or for marriage, or for the name be changed as Christian. Mark 16:16, 1 Peter 3:21, Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16

Then, they should continue living righteously (Col 1:21, Rev 2:10)

How does a *little child* know all this stuff?
On the 8th day a Jewish boy was commanded to be circumcised according to the Law. But that very law became obsolete with the cross of Christ. Rom 10: 4

Neither Jew, nor an adult, but on what basis baptize an innocent child? Is there any valid evidence for that in the Bible !!

Tradition and the advice of human beings are converting Christianity into denominations !!

In these last days most of the weeds have grown, thrived, dominated, and spread over as vast forest.

Although those who know the Truth are few, we have an obligation to proclaim the Scripture clear to everyone.

The time is not far off that the popular false human theories and famous proclaimers will become uprooted.

It has become so popular that people could not even distinguish between the original and duplicate !!

Select the narrow door. Matthew 7:14

Eddy Joel Silsbee
Preacher – Kaniyakulam Church of Christ
Teacher - World Bible School
+91 8144 77 6229 / joelsilsbee@gmail.com

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