வெள்ளி, 12 ஏப்ரல், 2019

#103 In which name we have to Baptize?

#103 Question: According to the Bible on Mathews 28:19 the scripture says we must baptize in the name of the father, son and holy spirit. But on Acts 2; ,38 says we must baptize in the name of Jesus. Which is right baptism methods?

The baptism was given in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we read from the following verses --- 2:38, 8:15, 10:48, 19:5

We need to understand that The Bible is written in different language than English / Tamil. Old Testament is written in Hebrew & New Testament is written in Greek/Latin languages.  The translators have diluted few words according to the context.

Greek word Onama is used in place of in THE NAME OF JESUS for these verses:
Onama means – Authority
By the Authority of Jesus, they were Baptizing..

What is the Authority?
According to the Authority / instruction given by Jesus Christ (which is in the name of Father, Son & The Holy Spirit) – They have been Baptizing them.

If anyone takes the name of Jesus literally, then automatically, they deny The Father and The Holy Spirit !! which is utterly against The scripture.

So, The Baptism to be given in the name of Father, Son & The Holy Spirit (The God Head)

Thanks for this meaningful question

Eddy Joel

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