செவ்வாய், 12 அக்டோபர், 2021

Stay with God to walk like a Lion


*Stay with God to walk like a Lion*

By Eddy Joel Silsbee


May the God of love continue to guide us.


The spies, other than Joshua and Caleb, feared that the natives were more powerful and giants than their own.


That fear ended up in ?? … they had to wander in the wilderness for many years.. instead of fearing them, they should have believed in the Glory of God who brought them magnificently from Egypt .. Number 13:33.


Furthermore, as like sedated, the people who heard it also forgot the mighty act of God which had so far carried on from their slavery, thought and started planning to go back into the same bondage. Num. 14:1-4


Remember, Fear infects us. Remember always that the God who is with us is GREAT.


If we are careful to do what is pleasing to the Lord - He will do everything GOOD according to His will. Num. 14: 8-9


Let anything or anyone comes against us … God alone gives us the victory.. Num. 14:10


If our relationship is close to God - we step forward like a lion. Proverbs 28:1


Let’s hold on to him firmly.


Absolute peace will always rule us. He is the place of safety and refuge. Isa 26: 3-4


*Eddy Joel Silsbee*

Preacher - Kaniyakulam Church of Christ,

Whatsapp : +91 8144 77 6229

Email:  joelsilsbee@gmail.com


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