திங்கள், 25 அக்டோபர், 2021

Evil spirit resides in disobedient preacher


*Evil spirit resides in disobedient preacher*
By Eddy Joel Silsbee

May the love and grace of God abound in us more and more.

It is a comfort to many to keep with them of those who recognize our work and effort, those who know, those who appreciate, and those who do not condemn.

The woman who praised Paul and team at every places they went (in the city of Philippi) did not get such recognition !! Some thoughts on her today:

(1) The woman is not mentally ill but well aware of what she is saying. Acts 16:16

(2) She knew about Paul before he spoke. Acts 16:17

(3) She proclaimed to others that they were servants of the *Most High God*. Acts 16:17

(4) She knows they are *showing the way of salvation* and was declaring that aloud to those present. Acts 16:17

(5) She did this “not once” but *many days* decisively. Acts 16:18

What is the use of having such 5 characteristics like this?

Like this, many will attend all gatherings and worships, will not miss any gospel meetings and attend regularly. Few, named themselves as “Witness”, and keep moving around every gathering !

Inspite of knowing Truth, heard and understood, closely and continuously involved in Ministry, but does not “obey” to the word of God is vain !

Nothing in gain whether you pray loudly, keep murmuring “praise the Lord”, or to cry out for forgiveness in every gathering to have your self-satisfaction unless and until you obey to Gospel !

As this lady, knew them well and proclaiming louder in the crowd, Paul did not think to keep her in the ministry but Paul *chased away that spirit* with rage !! Acts 16:18

Beware and examine whether you have obeyed according to the Scripture, before you start practicing it !

(1) Knowing the gospel of Christ,
(2) believing,
(3) comparing self-actualization with scripture
(4) Knowing and acknowledging and revealing that Christ is your Savior,
Neither anointing nor membership but,
(5) Baptism for the remission of sins…
Find out whether your Christian journey has begun like the above 5 steps?

If not,
leaving all your self-understanding, whether you may have been recognized as Christian for ages or as a pastor or as a holy man, in order to save your life, first “Obey according to the word” . Acts 22:16

May God's grace lead us today.

*Eddy Joel Silsbee*
Preacher - Kaniyakulam Church of Christ,
Whatsapp : +91 8144 77 6229
Email:  joelsilsbee@gmail.com


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