புதன், 21 அக்டோபர், 2020

Daily Dose, 21 Oct 2020

Daily Dose
-Eddy Joel Silsbee

Greetings in the name of the Savior Jesus Christ who is the cause of peace.

Both are one body,
Two are together,
Scripture tells of a husband and wife. Genesis 2:24, Mark 10: 8

But, in thought, or in a decision,
If Husband says "yes",
Wife stands as "no" is the condition at many houses.

The two have Two opinions.

Those who fervently praying for the peace of
President of the United States,
President of Russia,
Prime Minister of India,
Neighbors etc,
do not seek to have their own family to live in peace and happiness !!

If the spouse is neglected - where does peace in the family come from?

Despising, dishonouring, hating the wife,
Or The wife not respecting or obeying her husband, any prayer that arises is in vain. James 4: 2-3

Elizabeth said to name her baby as "John", when people asked her.
Her husband Zechariah approves as well.. !! (Luke 1:60) ..
The wife was in agreement with what the husband said and viceversa. Are we not seeing a lesson here?

Others may say call you a "family" seeing your living in one house. But, hearts requires to be ONE. It is God's plan for husband and wife to be united in love and affection.

The family is blessed when they obey HIS word. Psalm 128: 3, 6, 1 Sam 1: 5, 20, 2: 20-21

Eddy Joel Silsbee
Preacher – Kaniyakulam Church of Christ
Teacher - World Bible School
+91 8144 77 6229 / joelsilsbee@gmail.com


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