செவ்வாய், 20 அக்டோபர், 2020
Daily Dose 20 Oct 2020
*Daily Dose*
-Eddy Joel Silsbee
Greeting you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ who makes victory triumph.
Over time, those who reckon that hardwork, intelligence, power, money, and to succeed in life have realized that only their time is wasted.
Without any such qualities,
Whether a unhealthy,
Despite being oppressed in all circumstances,
Those who surrendered to God and pray with all faith and wait for His time in your kneels will fly out with an entirely new beacon like eagles in front of everyone's eyes !! (Isaiah 40:31)
Instead of doing what supposed to be done,
Even if you run all day, only a simple rest or illness will prevail.
Conversely - decide to pray at least 15 minutes a day.
He is not going to be without blessing us !!
*Eddy Joel Silsbee*
Preacher – Kaniyakulam Church of Christ
Teacher - World Bible School
+91 8144 77 6229 / joelsilsbee@gmail.com

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