வெள்ளி, 9 அக்டோபர், 2020

*Daily Dose* 09 Oct 2020

*Daily Dose*
-Eddy Joel Silsbee

All glory and honor be to God, who has mercy and grace upon us.

Rich, poor, working, lazy, big or small, everyone has hardship, suffering, joy, sickness, pain, happiness, and sorrow for sure. Eccl 2:14, 9: 1-2, Ps 49:10

Like it or not, everything has to be passed on. Proverbs 2: 15-16

How or when to recover from the problem is depends on the grace we receive. Ps 119: 153, Field 5: 1, Exodus 3: 7-8, Ps 9: 13-14

Even all the rivers of the world go into the sea, it never gets filled !! (Ecclesiastes 1: 7), likewise, none can hold anything even if he seals himself in the bottle!

No matter how much anxiety and intimacy surround us, let us stand firm in God's Word so that they do not overwhelm us. Psalm 25: 2, Jer 1:19, 1: 8, 15: 20-21

Jer 15: 20-21 ---
“Jer 15:20  And I will make you a strong wall of brass to this people; they will be fighting against you, but they will not overcome you: for I am with you to keep you safe, says the Lord. I will keep you safe from the hands of the evil-doers, and I will give you salvation from the hands of the cruel ones."

If we are united with God, deliverance and victory will surely come to us.

*Eddy Joel Silsbee*
Preacher – Kaniyakulam Church of Christ
Teacher - World Bible School
+91 8144 77 6229 / joelsilsbee@gmail.com


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