How did we decide that Sunday is the seventh day or the
resting day which we give to god. What is the supporting bible evidence for
this Sunday?
Sunday is not Seventh Day but it is the First day of the
If you are asking about Saturday, then
God Rested on 7th day, which is Saturday. (Gen
Thus, Israelites were told to rest on the 7th
day. (Exo 31:15; Exo 16:23)
Seba represents 7
7th day is the sabbath day.
Early Christians gathered on the 1st day of
the week. Because,
• Jesus rose on
the first day of the week not the Sabbath: Mk 16:9
• All 6
appearances of Jesus happen on Two Sundays, none on Sabbath. Mk 16:9; Mt
28:5-9; Lk 24:34; 13-15; 33,36, Jn 20:19; 26
• Christians are
recorded assembling three times on Sunday after resurrection and before
ascension, never on the Sabbath. Jn 20:19 Jn 20:26 Acts 2:1
• The only time
Christians are recorded to have assembled together was on a Sunday in Acts
20:7, never does it say the disciples assembled on the Sabbath.
• The only day
ever mentioned when Christians broke bread was on Sunday: Acts 20:7
• Christians are
commanded every Sunday to give into a common treasury of the church: 1 Cor
• The church
officially began on Pentecost Sunday: Acts 2:1
• The Holy Spirit
first fell upon the apostles on a Sunday: Acts 2:1-4
** Christians shall be bound to the New Testament laws
93215440 / joelsilsbee@gmail.com
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