திங்கள், 10 ஜூன், 2019

#215 Question: Christian are supposed to go to church on Sunday not Saturday what about those goes on Saturday.

Christian are supposed to go to church on Sunday not Saturday what about those goes on Saturday.

Yes, Christians to gather to worship our Father in Heaven on the First day of the Week (Sunday).

Those who gather on Saturday, claiming to honour the Law of Moses, which is ended after fulfillment at the Cross by Christ.

Christians to follow Christ law.

If anyone follows Europe rules in United States, surely US law force will sue them! Likewise, Those who do not follow Christ in the NT Era will not be validated by the judge in His judgement (2 Thess 1:7)


Eddy Joel
+91 8144 77 6229 / joelsilsbee@gmail.com

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