சனி, 23 மார்ச், 2019

#74 Q&A -> In heaven we are in soul and we don't feel the chill Ness or hotness in insight into heaven interview - Pls explain

Question : 

Dgs uncle has said in heaven we are in soul and we don't feel the chill Ness or hotness in insight into heaven interview.  But people say wicked or people not accepting christ who are dying today go to hades and experience torments in their bodies.  Again during judgement their physical bodies arise. Are people given temporary bodies to be burnt up till judgement and for being punished.  Brother iam not arguing but just afraid and confused about the contradiction in the bible.
Kindly explain.

Answer : 
You are always welcome to ask any sort of Questions and any number of questions.
Please do not hesitate to ask for any doubts. Bible has answer for EVERYTHING.

According to Bible, the following happens in sequence on Christ's return (2nd Coming)
1- Every dead person will be raised (whether good or bad) (1 Thes 4:16, John 5:29)
2- Alive persons & dead will be given new imperishable body. Our current body is made of earth, which requires food & water to live.
Imperishable body - does not require food or water to live. The new body does not burn or vanish in fire. (1 Cor 15:51-52)
3- Jesus does The Judgement. (2 Thes 1:7)
4- Good / Saved ones - goes to Heaven to live eternal and with joy & happiness, will stay with our Father in Heaven ALWAYS.
5- Bad / unsaved ones - goes to Hell to live eternally but with endless unquenchable fire. As the new body does not damages/burnt in fire, the pain will be known and experienced continuously. (2 Thes 1:10)

** Moreover, very importantly,
Please note that none can go and come back to Earth as like you mentioned that
your dgs uncle went to heaven and had an interview with God etc. (John 3:13, 6:46, Rom 10:6)

We require to follow what is written in Bible only.
And the Bible says - NONE.
So, its very clear that whoever is claiming he had an insight interview at Heaven - shall be pure imagination ONLY.

*** I know this may hurt your feelings you kept towards your dgs uncle but I encourage you and Bible says - Let us follow CHRIST.

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